Electronic Press Kit (EPK)


THE DELAYED Impression-Teaser 2022
Song: Blues Of The Courageous (Live @ The Bowling Lane, Sept. 2019)
Artist: The Delayed
Album: Live Outta Basement - The Live Tapes 2017-2020


1. PR-text & Facts

Heavy Psych Retro Garage Rock

The Delayed_Backstage Munich 2022_Credit Dominik Sieferlinger


Born out of dirt beneath the burning Bavarian summer sun in 2016, THE DELAYED are contineously creating their raw and authentic experience.
All band records (released and unreleased) follow at full extent the philosophy of a common music making together as a band, like they did in the end of 60's/early 70's era.
Completely dedicated to the rough and real sound of former days.
With all the microfone spills/bleeds and with all pros and cons of intuitive performances aiming to create an authentic atmosphere.
While in modern music productions this is mostly avoided, in THE DELAYED's case it's a desire to bring back that human element.
The 4-piece band therefore is known, to record wherever possible and also capture the surroundings.
From Garage Recordings, Sessions within a Bowling Lane to recordings on Cornfields and even Live-Gigs.
Their first release of several tracks from the first few band years called LIVE OUTTA BASEMENT - THE LIVE TAPES 2017-2020 is out since 30th July 2021.
Be welcome and enjoy the authenticity!


Aus dem Erdboden emporgestiegen in 2016, trachten THE DELAYED nach einer Philosophie, die die Geister längst
vergangener Tage wiederaufleben lässt:
Wenn aus zeitgleich spielenden Einzelinstrumenten eine Einheit wird. Wenn die spontane Emotion des Augenblicks und
die Surroundings bewusst Teil des Gesamtwerks werden. Dann wird die Suche nach einer authentischen Erfahrung, der Magie des Moments, zum Motor allen musikalischen Handelns.
Das Schaffen von THE DELAYED ist eine bewusste Abkehr von synthetischer Klangschichtung.
Eine bewusste Abkehr von kühler, isolierter Perfektion - hin zu einer humanen Momenterfahrung aus dem Kollektiv heraus.
Vom ersten Jam bis zur finalen Aufnahme gedeihen die Werke des südbayerischen Quartetts „within the moment“.
Ob Kornfeld, Kegelbahn, Garage oder Live-Gigs – für das im Juli 2021 erschienene Debut-Album „LIVE OUTTA BASEMENT – THE LIVE TAPES 2017 – 2020“ suchte sich die Band bewusst Orte außerhalb gängiger Recording-Spots, um ihre Songs in authentischen Ambiente per Multitrack-Recording gemeinsam einzufangen.
THE DELAYED stehen für 70’s inspirierten Garage Heavy Rock mit bluesigen, psychedelischen und retrospektiven Elementen – live, echt und rohbelassen.


Already hit the stage with PENTAGRAM (2022), SIENA ROOT (2022), 1000MODS (2024), RADIO MOSCOW (2019), WUCAN (2022), SACRI MONTI (2019), MOTHER'S CAKE (2019), NEBULA (2023), THE BREW (2022), NAXATRAS (2022), MONKEY3 (2023), WEDGE (2019) etc.
Find all tour dates below beneath "Downloads & Links" or here.

The special thing about all recordings so far:
All recorded live, all recorded on odd places.
Bowling Lanes, Manured fields, Garages, Live Gigs etc.
Feel the authenticity!
Find the debut live album "LIVE OUTTA BASEMENT - THE LIVE TAPES 2017- 2020" here.

Press says:

Review to MONKEY3 + THE DELAYED @ Backstage Munich, 2023.10.25:

Source: https://rockblogbluesspot.com/2023/11/07/monkey3-the-delayed-backstage-muenchen-25-oktober-2023/

2. Music

New album to come (Spring 2025):
First impressions HERE

3. Live-Impressions

Blues Of The Courageous, August 2021

Final scene On-Stage-View @ Backstage Munich, 01. Aug. 2022

Impressions from ROXY Ulm, 2023.05.24 (w/ Nebula)

FULL SET Live-Recording @ ROXY Ulm, 2023.05.24 (w/ Nebula)

Man Of A Thousand Goodbyes (Musicvideo - Audio was recorded LIVE on the field in one take; field-scenes in video show the real recording; Rec-Date: Aug. 2019)

Behind The Curtain, 11 Sept. 2022 - Backstage Club Munich (w/ Siena Root)

On-Stage View, Sinnflut Erding 07/30/2021:

For further impressions watch below via "Downloads & Links"

4. Photos



  • TheDelayed-110-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-112-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-104-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-114-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-120-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-13-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-44-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-48-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-50-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-51-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-53-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-54-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-57-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-58-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger
  • TheDelayed-63-Credit Dominik Sieferlinger

5. Downloads & Links


The Delayed_Shows 2019-2023
All Shows of The Delayed from 2019 on
The Delayed_Gigs 2019-2023_As of 2023.11.27.pdf (397.09KB)
The Delayed_Shows 2019-2023
All Shows of The Delayed from 2019 on
The Delayed_Gigs 2019-2023_As of 2023.11.27.pdf (397.09KB)
The Delayed_Logo (png)
Logo_The_Delayed[1].png (218.62KB)
The Delayed_Logo (png)
Logo_The_Delayed[1].png (218.62KB)
The Delayed_Stage Plot (Tech Rider)
Stage Plot-The Delayed (HK-ORANGE_2 Mic_w In Ear).pdf (93.94KB)
The Delayed_Stage Plot (Tech Rider)
Stage Plot-The Delayed (HK-ORANGE_2 Mic_w In Ear).pdf (93.94KB)


Booking Requests: